Levels of Laziness
1. (Mild laziness.. you are clever)
You really want to water the plants, but the you have trouble reaching to turn the tap of water that runs in your background. Every time you twist the knob, even for a split second, you always end up standing straight and pulling your pants up. You love the outdoors; however, at the same time, you are lackadaisical. It's so sad on how one wrong allele from your parents came to you or maybe got mixed together, resulting in you leaving your interests of gardening behind and your dreams of becoming a professional gardener getting CANCELED. (oh please, dude/dudette, don't become a gardener.. but if that is your dream, oh well..) XD
Your Lazy Bum Package:
Song: Fireflies by Owl City
Beverage: Pink Lemonade Mixed With Hot Cocoa With Whipped Cream And A Cherry On Top (okay, so "mild lazy people" are CONFUSED AND SLIGHTLY CRAZY! BE MORE LAZY, MILD LAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Book (gotta be a good one cuz from Ashna's favorites): Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn
Mild Lazy People, check out Tokyo Heist's book review here: http://updatesfromanerd.blogspot.com/2013/07/tokyo-heist.html
2. Medium Lazy People
Medium Lazy people have an amazing personality, at the same time genuine. It is pretty obvious for one to see their heart beating out of their chest with an urge to say something humorous and snort and laugh, despite their obsession over jackets. Seriously, medium lazy people (I must admit that I am one) wear the same jacket to school almost every day of the week, and this is only because of their feel of coziness, which is also in their hearts. See, when one wears a comfortable jacket tightly knitted with light-weighted wool and heavy stitches of fur, they feel cozy, and they are too lazy to take the jacket out; it is just their laziness on unzipping their zipper that stops them from being um like, idk... um, fashionnaaable. (OKAY.) Their medium laziness can have an extreme effect on their future, not only their social school life. For instance, if their boss orders a medium lazy person to take his professional blazer off when all the workaholics are in a meeting, and the medium lazy man adamantly refuses to take his blazer off, he is then fired. Nevertheless, despite all of that jibber jabber I mentioned above, medium lazy people are above all, the most awesome people in the world. LETS'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT PEOPLES. I'M A MEDIUM LAZY PERSON.. GO FIGURE.
Your Lazy Bum Package:
Song: Carry On by Fun
Beverage: Hot Salted Caramel Coffee (Oh, and a blanket too!)
Book: Any cozy fantasy book which feels like you have read only 10 pages when you have in reality read 50 pages, like Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
3. High Level Lazy People
High Level Lazy People can go to extremes in their laziness; what makes them have an admirable character, though, is their pride in their slothful personality, and they are not afraid or even a teeny bit embarrassed of it. For example, even while standing in line for ordering a triple bacon meat deluxe burger at Carl's Jr., such people, like stout ladies, grab a chair and peacefully lie their buts on the fast-food restaurant chair for pure relaxation. They are not afraid, afraid of teenage girls' cell phones clicking pictures of them to share giggle over with their friends with high-pitched voices. Additionally, out of frustration, they scream for running out of tissue paper in the restroom at Carl's Jr.. Obviously, they are extremely lackadaisical to even reach over a single millimeter and grab it themselves. Their sluggish, inactive lifestyle changes their life, but again, it is their parents fault for passing on the wrong genes.... IMAGINE OUR WORLD FILLED WITH TOO MANY LACKADAISICAL PEOPLE... JUST IMAGINE. IT WOULD JUST BE GREAT IF TEACHERS WERE HIGH LEVEL LAZY PEOPLE..
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars.. I never knew such a song existed
Beverage: Some drink to make the gas pass...
Book: How to Overcome Laziness and Achieve Your Goals by S. Alexander Ward (random book I searched up on amazon)
With laziness, sluggishness, slothfulness, or lackadaisical-ness (whatever you want to call it), one can become a lazy bum package and live their life eating Lays Barbecue Chips. Once they ate them in kindergarten, and once again they will eat them at age 100. (old lady voice) I knew I should not have eaten those chips like a high level lazy person.. oh dear Bethany and oh, Martha/////// ;)
~Ashna Sharma
(please do not get offended by the types of lazy people mentioned above... it's just my imagination; it's all fiction, too! .. AND IT'S A HUMOR THING) :D
What type of lazy person are you (mild level lazy, medium level lazy, or high level lazy?) ... I'm medium level lazy ........ LOL. XD
Reply in the comments below! :)